Research Seminar For Students, Doctoral Candidates, Post-Doc

Research seminar from 6 to 10 November 2019 in Rome


That Rome was an important point of reference for Paul is shown by a look at the Acts of the Apostles and the letter addressed to the church there. Conversely, what did Paul mean to the Roman community in the early days and first centuries of Christianity? How did the Christians react to the apostle and his preaching? What did his memory mean for piety and liturgy? How did his thought influence theology in Rome? The seminar wants to answer these and other questions in a discussion between New Testament scholars and church historians. Looking ahead, the threads will be drawn out to ecumenism today.

The following form of work is planned:

Six “senior researchers” will introduce the topic with presentations. Additional presentations by students and/or doctoral candidates are welcome. In addition to the discussions in the group, the encounter with the monuments on site and with the archaeological findings will play a major role.

The target group is advanced students (e.g., with the intention of doing a doctorate) as well as doctoral students and post-docs in Protestant theology and related fields (especially New Testament and Church History). Unfortunately, applications from outside this target group cannot be considered.

Seminar leaders are Prof. Dr. Jörg Frey (New Testament, University of Zurich), Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter (New Testament, Humboldt University Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Martin Wallraff (Church History, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich).


Flyer Doctoral Course 2019