
Legal Form

The Melanchthon Centre is an association incorporated under Italian law. The members of this association are founding shareholders and ordinary members who have committed themselves to a regular financial contribution. Furthermore, there are supporting members and honorary members who make a regular supporting contribution.

General Assembly

At the General Assembly, which takes place at least once a year, the founding members (Waldensian Faculty and ELCI) participate with 3 representatives each, as well as the ordinary members (1 representative each) with voting rights.

The General Assembly decides on the programme and budget of the Study Centre. It elects the Governing Board and its President.

Governing Board

The Governing Board consists of 4 persons who are elected for 4 years. The Governing Board elects the President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer from among its members. The Council Board is responsible for the implementation and organisation of the programme and the appointment of the Director of Studies. The current Board Members are:

  • Dean Heiner Bludau (Vice-President), Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy
  • Dr Daniele Garrone (Board President), Waldensian Faculty of Rome
  • Dr Michael Jonas (Secretary), Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy
  • Dr Lothar Vogel (Treasurer), Waldensian Faculty of Rome

President of the Governing Council

The President of the Board of Directors represents the association legally vis-à-vis third parties and convenes the General Assembly and the Governing Board.

Scientific Advisory Board

The Governing Council appoints distinguished personalities from the ecumenical and academic community as members of the Scientific Advisory Board. The Scientific Advisory Board is an advisory body to the Steering Council and is composed of the following persons:

  • Dr Jörg Frey, University of Zurich
  • Dr Antonio Loprieno, University of Basel
  • Dr Gury Schneider-Ludorff, Augustana University Neuendettelsau
  • Dr Ulla Schmidt, Aarhus University Denmark
  • Dr Martin Wallraff (Coordinator), Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

Director of Studies

The Director of Studies is appointed by the Steering Committee. It is responsible for the practical implementation of the programme. The director of studies is staffed by theologians who are delegated by a member church of the EKD for this task.

The current director of studies is: Rev. Vanessa Bayha